Quilligan Scally Architects

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Quilligan Architects submit Urban Design proposal for Gadeokdo Island, Korea
Quilligan Architects have submitted a design proposal for the international competition for the Urban Design of Gadeokdo Island, Busan, Korea.
Located near the south-eastern tip of South Korea, Gadeokdo is a 22.5 square kilometer island near the Metropolitan city of Busan. The design establishes a schematic for developing Gadeokdo island and the surrounding region of Cheonga-Dong, Gangseo-Gu, and Busan as an international maritime, tourism and logistics zone.
The design aims to make the island a central focus of the immediate region with development starting on the mainland as a downtown city and park to its north which displace the existing industrial use and spreading south to the island giving visual continuity.
A new Maritime city to the north of the island is arranged around a bay with buildings providing a marker seen from the mainland with a central zone in the city allowing integration of old and new.
A grand marina occupies east area between mainland and island and uses the sea frontage to provide a major attraction to boats, ships etc, with a sailing school and marine academy.
To the west of marina the new port is developed with a port business park intended to provide industrial building and port business back up and port authority HQ.
A marina canal and resort to the southern tip of island contains a new canal to allow passage for boats around the island without having to go around the proposed new airport to the south-east of island, and also allows further tourism development.

Urban Design of Gadeokdo Island

Principle design drivers

A - A significant city installation should engage with mainland and island so that its influence on the surrounding region and regional influence on the city would not restrict either growth pattern.

B - The new city can and should be used as a local point for the region. As Busan City moves to the west the new city can provide an economic and social hub.

C - The aspirations of the brief look to logistics and tourism as the main function of the Maritime City. To give these functions a kick start the City must encourage them in its from. It is important then that social and business hubs are designed into the scheme, so that these functions have a framework to build on. These hubs occur in Nulcha Bay, downtown, Grand Marina and other secondary locations.

D - The organic shape of the city is offering a structure to the regions around it to build in the future. So the proposal will grow and functions change as required in future times.

E - Walking routes and paths have been developed throughout the scheme.

Project location and proposal

With the development proposals for the surrounding region moving generally west of Busan city, Gadeokdo Island, becomes a centre of focus in the immediate area. Because of its geography and its natural beauty it will always draw attention, but now it is also the focus of a Maritime city. See map 1.

However, there is one problem that would upset this plan and that is the island is hidden behind a wall of industry. This is significant in the in the analyses of the region and while a city maybe possible to site on the island it may not prosper due to this issue. Our scheme takes this into account and proposes the development would start on the mainland to break down the industrial wall. See map 2.

Engaging with the mainland is an essential part of our proposal. The strategy is intended to relief the area of some of its industrial usage by setting a decanting plan to gradually transfer industrial use westward around the new port. See map 3.
This idea should free up land to start a ‘downtown’ part of the Maritime City and connect the ‘Northern Housing’ to a city lung, making it more socially sustainable. See map 3.
It is intended that, as the city grows further, areas of the industrial zones will be developed for city use and the industry can gradually be transferred to the western side around the new port.

Keeping the ‘island feel’ to Gadeokdo, it is still important to give the city a concentrated feel. We, therefore, create an urban density by building along the new part on the eastern wall.

This will give visual continuity to the connection between island and land without braking the geography of an island. The main part of the Maritime city is arranged around the Nulcha Bay, which is partially filled in to provide the space requirement but still retains its geographical implant and unique character in this form. See map 4.

A central zone in the city is designated to allow integration of old and new. The strategy is that each form can prosper and change as they are influenced by the other. The designated area also links the old habitation with the bay. A series of particular buildings are planned to be placed around the bay and these would have specific cultural and civic requirements, and would provide a marker to be seen from the mainland.
This central zone will also act as a social hub to the city.

Principle design features

1. Maritime tourism city – Nulcha bay
The main centre to be developed on the island will be around the natural feature of Nuchka Bay. Our proposal would fill in a portion of the bay but keeping the reduced sized bay as a focus for the new city to gather around.
The identity of the city will first designated by a series of special buildings along the water line, which are to be for social and civic use.
A central zone is initially set aside in the plan which is a strategy of dealing with the issue of the existing village and new uses. Both the old and new should be able to flow and grow into this area and it will also connect the old village to the water edge. This central zone will also act as a social hub to the new city. The designated uses of logistics and tourism are laid out around the bay.

2. Downtown
The design places a downtown district onto the mainland firstly to break thru the wall of industrial, also to provide a city centre focus for the periphery districts and to plant the seeds of growth. This downtown district is focused onto the ‘canal’ running North South and is widened to give a further central area which will be vital in order to attract in tourists. The downtown area finishes in a park which connects the whole scheme to the residential parkland to the North.

3. Grand marina
The design calls for the inclusion of a grand scale marina that will be seen as a major attraction to boats, ships of all sizes to dock at this pleasure port. It proposes using the sea frontage as marina for cruise ships, tall ships yachts etc. The front would be developed for café, restaurants, shops again, to provide a tourist attraction. The basin would require to be fully dredged and the eastern pier would prevent it from silting up again. A sailing school and third level marine academy is sited on the other side of the Grand Marina Dock. This facility will attract people of all ages to Maritime City.

4. Island identity buildings
This proposal is symbolic. It is intended to place two buildings into a special position at the either end of the road tunnel, which would signal the change and new habitation of the islands.

5. Office towers and hotels
These series of buildings are laid out along the alignment of the road as a backdrop to the city and provide further identities in the landscape. They can be used for offices or hotel purposes.

6. Maritime tourism resort
Taking this second village on the island the idea is to build up the tourism content of this location by providing resort marine tourism, five star hotels and reinforce the density of the existing village. This can be done by building a promenade to front the old village and strengthening the fabric of the building onto the front. A special type of leisure and tourism planned here to give a relaxing and ethic form of holiday facility.

7-8. Port business and industry/Exhibition
This facility is intended to provide industrial building and port business back up building to the southern side of the new port. In addition we propose this area to be used for Exhibition We also propose building the port and authority HQ in the central location on the east side of the docks looking down the berthing area. The positioning of this building and some other back up buildings will strengthen the relationship between land and island without talking the island feel away.

9. Marina canal and resort
The proposal would be predicated on the airport going ahead in this location. A canal would allow a passage for boats around the island without having to go around the airport on the South side. The canal idea will add a fun element to this resort area that will be relaxed and ethic in ambiance.

10. Hillside park
This park /square is intended the start off the City and connected it to the hills and residential areas around. The ‘canal’ flows through the park/square at a diagonal and gradually the formal layout of the city breaks down in to the hills. This conclusion of City also happens at the South of the island where the City meets the hills.

Environmental and Sustainable issues

A. The main development of the city is limited to confined areas of the site.

B. The new city is planned in a concentrated way around the new port.

C. Aspects and attraction of the city are close to each other and easily be reached by walking or public transport.

D. The street pattern in the city is laid out in a dense manner to provide shade and increase social ambiance.

E. The balance of solid and void in the buildings will be towards a greater percentage of solid to control solar gain and heat loss.

F. Industrial building design will include all the active aspects of modern sustainability. The planning of these buildings will contribute to overall environmental strategy of the city
Posted on 06 Apr 2010 by admin


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